
Exhibition time: Gustaf/Part 2

Happiness all around, we’re done! There was a small chaos in my brain this morning when I tried to connect the prototype to a new computer. I had to download all the software to my laptop since Ola was home sick and we have been using his computer in the development phase.

I couldn’t get it to work! So I called Ola, who was so sleepy I hardly understood what he said. But he made me wiser and i realised i had forgotten to load everything into Max/MSP. I got it to work but more panic arose. The light was different! after an hour of trying to fix it We had to call Ola in. He arrived fairly quick and got it to work around 11:00.

The day ended quite well and we have received many kind words about our prototype which is great. There was even one guy who came back twice to play with it. All in all it’s been a great experience with both highs and lows.

Were done, and it feels great. now I'm of to yoga class.


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