
Our project plan...


Project Plan
Digital Media Stockholm 07
Module: Experience Technology
Group 2: Sound and Light
Fannie Redman, Gustaf Eriksson, Ola Möller, Madonna Arsan, Martin Johansson

We like to create an experience based on participation. The lead words for our project are Sound and Light, these are also the backbone of the project. The user of the prototype/product will be able to use a flashlight to “play” the instrument, which produces different sounds depending on which areas are lit on the prototype. This project is a part of the module Experience Technology at the school Hyper Island at the programme Digital Media in Stockholm, Sweden.

2.1 Assignment
2.1.1 Main task
The main task is a group activity in which each group has to create a solution that involves one or several components that they are assigned. A component can be a device, an electronic component or a piece of software. The solution should explore the components and challenge their use in creating a proof of concept for a product, service, game or interactive installation (all with an emphasis on exploration, innovation and fun).

2.1.2 Sub task - Sound and Light
Work with light sensors, sounds sensors, microphones and speakers to create an art piece or prototype of a product based on abstract light and audio input. Avoid using digital visual output like a monitor. Think about the sounds that exist around us and how we react to them. What happens when sound goes beyond frequencies that we can hear? What is the relation between sound and other types of feedback like vibrations? What happens if the input and feedback happens in different locations? How can something visual be reflected in sound?

2.2 Solution
2.2.1 Product/Function
We like to create a product that plays sounds. The sounds played are controlled by different light sensitive components. If the components are illuminated, the product will play a sound connected to that specific component. If not, the product will not play the sound of the component. The idea is that you with a flashlight can make the product do different sounds which varies depending on when and how long the light sensitive component are actived by the light source.

2.2.2 Technology
When we create the product, the plan is to use a pattern of light sensitive components (active when illuminated) connected to an arduino board connected to a computer which process the information given by the arduino board. The computer gives output to a speaker system.

2.3 Feature description
To work out a description of the features we worked according to the MoSCoW method. We chose what we must have, what we should have, could have and what we would like to have if time was given.

- React on light
We use photo resistors.
- Different light sensors are processed differently.
Photo resistors are connected to different part of the processing unit so it can distinguish the specific components.
- Process reaction on the light
A combination of the arduino board and the computer software working together with arduino.
- Send signals to the speakers
Output from the computer or the arduino board.
- Play a number of sounds (depending on which sensors are illuminated)
The photo resistors that are connected to different part of the processing unit are processed to play different sounds.
- Be a prototype that functions.

- Be an appealing prototype

- Be able to change type of sounds
- Show lights when sounds are played
- Record the experience
- Replay the recorded experience

2.3.4 WOULD LIKE TO HAVE (if time)
- Have very remarkable prototype that feels like a finished product.

3.1 Project group
The project group contains of five Hyper Island students at DM07STHLM.
Fannie Redman, Gustaf Eriksson, Ola Möller, Madonna Arsan and Martin Johansson.

3.2 Responsibility areas
We have divided our work into five responsibility areas. To maximize our learning we chose to rotate the areas between us, this way of working gives us bigger knowledge in all areas and not only one and it give all of us a chance to learn how things work that we didn’t knew before. These are the areas:
Technology; hardware
Technology; software
Project planner

3.3 Time estimates / Deadlines.
24-25th Brainstorm and come up with an idea for the project
26th Research: how the technique works
Research: what material we need to buy
27th Draft for project plan finished
28th Deadline: Project plan 12:00 p.m.
Deadline: Peer marking 6:00 p.m.

1 st Purchase of material
Research: how to build the prototype
Start building the prototype
4th Magazine brief
Deadline: Magazine, brief 5:00 p.m.
Work with magazine
8th Work with magazine
Deadline: Magazine, first draft 5:00 p.m.
10th Deadline: Magazine, 5:00 p.m.
Deadline: Prototype, 5:00 p.m.
11th Exhibition

4.1 The Unknown
To be able to complete the project we have to discover the world of technology, both in a hardware and software context. The things that we will learn more about are especially the Arduino system and how we can connect it to different components.

Components – how do they work?
Making connections
Discover more about the Arduino board

Learn more about Arduino development environment (which is based on Processing)
Learn about Max/MSP which is a music program that can be connected to Arduino DE
Learn if we can connect the Arduino board to flash and process the information there.

Tha shit from tha group!

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