
Max/MSP and other strange techie things

Test of input from light sensitive component.
We tested in a dark room to get the most out of it.

The work is progressing. Today we made a working prototype that plays different sounds which depend on if the light sensitive components are lit or not. We got some help from a friend of us that studies at the Interactive Sound Design BA programme in Kristianstad so now we understand the principles of making sound with input from the arduino board ALOT better. Thanks Nils!

One picture tells a story greater than 1000 words.

This is the first working prototype. 6 LDRs (light sensitive components), connected to an arduinoboard. The arduino board collects the analog input from the LDRs and send it to the computer. In the computer will Max/MSP which is a music program collect the information and us it as different variables to controll different commands in the program. Eg. volume, tone and so on.

We tell more about the ideas how to we want to built the final prototype and more about Max/MSP later on.

/Le Group

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