
Fannies story about this project, first part!


We have this individual task, where I have to write something on our group blog, and I must write it in at least 150 words, so here I go!

This project has been fun, we have done a lot of things!

In the beginning of this project we did a lot of brainstorming it was very good i think, we used the post-it -technique, its wild and fun hehe! we got to know each other better and everybody had a lot of ides!

It took us about two or three days before we had the idée clear, but we didn’t know the design yet!

There were a lot of discussing about the design, and we didn’t get along, we all hade different ides about the design, but on the second week the group finely comes up with a great idée, they decided that it would be a turn table, and it will play sound when the light comes in contact with it! I was gone that week, but
When I was back they told me about this, and I think it was a great idée!!!

More words from me, later on!

Bye bye then!

Fannie Redman

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