
The End, Ola part 2


The module is coming to an end. We made a good movie which felt like a good way to end up the project. Yesterday we had the exhibition day. I was sick but came to school an hour to fix some tech problems. As I was told everything seems to work smoothly after I went home to bed.

In general I’m satisfied with what we achieved. I overcame some fear for technology. That’s good I guess. I also think it’s a lot of thing we could have made better as well. Better communication between us, more distinct goals during the project, having someone who made the project management.

Something that’s really cool is our prototype. It’s awesome indeed. If you really want to check it out, try to find our video. It’s on youtube. The link will be here soon enough. ‘Til then. Have a nice weekend.

Cheers from Ola

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