
Just my thoughts..

Yes! Now it's almost time for the exhibition and we have a lot left to do but no worries! It's been 2 weeks but it feels like 500 weeks!
Things are happening and working fine, we've made big progress with the arduino board and guess what, it works! yey! There has been cooperations with Karlskrona and the magazine brief task is done so now we need to write the article.
On monday we'll start to build the prototype and that means no rest till deadline and exhibition! But that's not a problem because it's the fun part!

This week has been chaotic, I've been working with the project but I've also helped with the wall-painting and planing the student-part to the Resumébar openingparty. We've had good communication in the group about what we are doing, working with and how everything goes. But I haven't been as active as I would have liked to be about the programming and the arduino board, mostly I've helped with the writing.

We talked about this on the follow-up process and we decided that since it is Ola who knows most about how all the programming works I'm going to help him on monday when we are building the prototype. I really want to understand how it works. Everyone in the group is helping each other to understand different parts. The feedback we got from each other was good because now we know what we need to work with to maximize our learning in this project.
We finally decided how the prototype will look like, and how we did that I don't know. We had the idea but different thoughts about the design and one day during a meeting one of us said something about a turntable and we all liked that so we started with some light brainstorming and that was all we needed.

Now we have three days to build a working prototype and write an article for the magazine, but as I said before, no one in the group is worried, because we all agree that if it takes time we'll stay at school working all night if needed.

Don't miss the exhibition!


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