
With great technical knowledge comes excellent electronics..

So.. it's been 2 days and our idea is coming along nicely. This morning we continued our brainstorming and after a REALLY long discussion we came up with a nice base idea.
In the afternoon we had a little session with Johan Halse from Doberman which made the idea process a little bit easier.

While Madonna was away on a meeting Ola, Fannie and me(Gustaf) talked abit more about the product and started to write the project plan.

Brainstorming and stuffs...

More to come.. every day.. :)
Love from the group

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Hej grupp! tänkte bara säga att det är viktigt att vi skriver att blogginläggen är från gruppen och när vi skriver våra individuella inlägg kan man kanske skriva "Idividual post from ... (och sitt eget namn)". Så det blir lite tydligare vem som postar vad!