
Individual Post Madonna, part 1

Hello! So, it's sunday and we've been working a week with this project. Everything is going fine so far and we're doing the best we can to make everything work. The week started good with a lot of brainstorming and good teamwork and it's been going on since we started.
The team spirit is great even if we have different ideas about the design. We'll work that out.

But what we have done this week is, as I said, brainstorming and come up with ideas, we had a meeting with Johan from Doberman, who helped us forward with our ideas. After the brainstorming session we started to write a project plan.
We also had group processing, a chance to discuss what was good in the group and the teamwork and what we could do better. That included a task, which was to write down all what we had talked about.
Friday was the big deadline-day, with three deadlines. After we delivered our projectplan we had to do a peermarking. This was a cooperation between us here in Stockholm and the other DM class in Karlskrona, we exchanged our projectplans and did a peermarking to each other.

So, tomorrow we'll probably start with the prototype. We have to buy some stuff and start programming and building. This should be fun, it everything works out the way we want it to do! We have some more deadlines and we also need to do a magazine brief, which is another task in this module.

This far I have no worries about this project, we all work hard and want this to work but most of all we have fun! And the teamwork is good, which is the most important thing.

Truly yours,

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